Elevation MapThe GMap Pedometer (website review) has a new feature: elevation profiles. It is only for the United States as it uses the geologic survey to create the graph. It is a great feature to see your elevation changes throughout the course of your run. If you map your runs the way that I do it, which is to have a point every 50 to 100 feet, then you get a very nice profile of your entire run. There are two things that I have noticed so far that could lead to a little confusion, however.

The zero point on the graph is where you started your run.
If you notice in the picture (click the picture if you would like to see the full sized version), the elevation profile is actually negative except for a tiny spot near the end of it. That is because I happen to start most of my runs at a higher elevation and the graph assumes that as its zero point. Thus, you notice how I rapidly descend to sea level and then just have a few bumps along the way for most of the run.

The elevation profile is from a geologic survey, not a road survey.
It took me a while to figure out how I could be on the coast and yet be running 30 feet below sea level. The answer is fairly simple; I was going over a bridge. So, while I actually went a little higher, the graph shows me running along at the bottom of the water elevation wise.

It is a neat little feature. There are three modes:

  1. Off is best for when you are actually setting up your map so that you have the most screen real estate as possible.
  2. Small uses a small area at the bottom of your map to generate your profile, but you will probably have to do a lot of scrolling in order to see the entire thing.
  3. Large uses about twice as much space as the small setting, and is what I used to get the above screenshot.