So, Mike Nolan was told that he can not wear a suit and tie on the sidelines. The reasoning (as gotten from‘s talk with V.P. of media relations Greg Aiello), is that

“For the past eight seasons, all sideline personnel, including head coaches, have been required to wear team-issued apparel on game day. This requirement is part of the coach’s contract with the club. By wearing the team merchandise, the coach helps generate exposure for the apparel through television shots and photos. This exposure helps promote the club and its apparel, which translates into sales. This revenue helps pay coaches and player salaries. Coaches are permitted to wear ties but must incorporate apparel into game day attire. For example, last year, Coach Mike Tice wore a tie with a Vikings sweater.”

So, at least he has a way around it. But it still seems a little silly to me. I suppose he should have read the contract before he signed it, but I can’t help but hear the Soup Nazi every time I read something about this.