The African Basketball Championship title was won by Angola when they defeated Senegal 70-61. Nigeria beat Algeria for third place immiediately preceding the championship game, meaning that they will get to play in the world championships in Japan next year.

Unfortunately, Nigeria and Algeria spent the forty minutes trying to keep the police from interupting their brawling and delaying the championship game as they fought in the stands at the end of their game. Algeria’s captain, Ali Bouziane, broke his rib and was carted off to the hospital. Four of Nigeria’s players are going to be charged with assault once they leave the safety of their embassy.

I am not really sure what touched off the fight, but outside of boxing, hockey and other sports where fighting is written into the rules, it does not really belong. I know from a running standpoint (in college, at least), there was almost always somebody who was bloody somewhere at the end of a race. A spike in the shin here, a shove off the trail there, things like that. I still have a fairly ugly scar on my arm from something of that sort. It just does not really belong. My 8 cents.