The Vermont City Marathon is this Sunday. The race begins at 8:05 in the morning (unless you are a wheelchair participant in which case you start at 8:00 am sharp), and some time around 11 am I should be coming through the finish line. It is a loopy type course that looks like it will be good for spectators as you cross through a central point a half dozen times. You do not actually do a lot of doubling back, though, which is nice. It looks on the map as there is a 6 mile stretch early in the race where you do an out and back on a highway, and that the rest is a lot of small loops.

I am looking forward to the race. If anybody is in the Burlington, Vermont area then keep your eye peeled for me in my Maine-Run to Win racing singlet. Feel free to cheer me on.

*UPDATE* I was lazy and don’t have anything ready for the weekend. Catch you all next week.