There are two weeks remaining before the New York City marathon. My training this year has been really strange. I was on a roll early in the summer, only to be sidetracked by plantar fascitis. I did not manage to get myself back into the shape that I wanted to be in, but I did get myself into the shape that I am usually in at this point in the season. My final month of marathon training has been derailed by a nagging cough that I just can not shake, but I still fully expect to go out and run exactly what I expected at the beginning of the season when the marathon rolls around.

The trick is to not get discouraged, I think. One of my teammates that I ran with this morning is coaching a woman that is running in New York City as well, and like runners she is a bit of a head case. How she feels about her running and level of fitness is directly related to how well her last workout went. You could have the best training runs of your life and then not perform on race day. Similarly, you can have a lot of doubts and not know where you will be and run a personal best. However, if you go into a race thinking that you are ready and with a solid game plan, then you are more often than not going to do better than if you are in a poor mood and have no idea what you are going to accomplish.

Two more weeks until my marathon, and only one more week until the Marine Corps Marathon. Good luck to anybody who is planning to run that race.