EquipmentIn a collaborative effort with Scott over at Straight to the Bar, we will wrote about exercise equipment throughout the month of January.

This week, Scott provides an excellent overview of how to set up your home gym. He starts out describing the benefits of a home gym over a commercial gym, and the basic equipment that you will want to get your gym started. As well as more advanced equipment or equipment alternatives, he also talks about features of your gym such as what music to play (and how to listen to it) and to consider setting up your gym outdoors.

If you have ever thought of starting a home gym, you should check out the article. My own home gym is pretty neglected right now, since I go to a commercial gym. I have a weight bench, swiss ball, bars, dumbbells and plates. Very basic, but it suits my needs when I do not want to go out. I have a pull up bar somewhere, as well, but I haven’t thought of where to mount it quite yet.