This week last year was very focused on a limited number of topics. The weekend series about the New Rules of Lifting continued, but everything else dealt with the Coast to Coast relay and the new book that had just been published, or with weight lifting and swiss balls.
- I continued my animated workout series with how to do a swiss ball bridge, which takes the standard exercise and makes it a little more challenging. The discussion about swiss balls continued throughout the week, beginning with why you would use a swiss ball in the first place and then discussing the difference between balance boards and swiss balls.
- Discussion about the Coast to Coast book continued, with a few reminders about the contest to win a free copy as well as a review of Coast to Coast. There was also the first guest article here at Run to Win, written by Matt Hartman. Matt was the photographer on the Coast to Coast relay.
- I continued my thoughts on the New Rules with New Rule #16 (lifting can make you flexible) and New Rule #17 (aerobic fitness is not all its cracked up to be).
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