is integrating the community and training logs from Cool Running into The Active Network. For those of you that use Cool Running, here is what you can expect in the very near future:

  • Your login name will now be your email address and not your member name.
  • You will now have an editable Display Name that will default to your former member name.
  • If somebody in the Active Network is already using your display name, then you will get some random numbers added to your name.
  • If you already have an account with Active that uses the same email address, then you will use the Active login information.
  • The forums will remain at Cool Running, but they will be upgraded and offer new tools to users and moderators.
  • Threads from the old forums will be copied into the new upgraded forums.
  • Training logs will be imported into Active Trainer.
  • Active’s privacy policy will take over for Cool Running’s policy. You can read it here:

I have only recently started using Cool Running’s forums, and have never used their training logs. This merger will probably not affect me too much. As long as I can still get my race results as easily as I do now, I will be happy.

Some aspects of Cool Running’s site already point to the Active Network, such as the articles and the runner rankings.