Mike BrooksI heard from Mike a bit before noon today, and will be getting the updates posted a little earlier going forward (at least until next week since I coach on Thursday nights and get home late). He’s doing pretty well.

He has now run for about 24 hours. Here’s the update from his wife; the recording from his call in is down below.

I have just spoken with Mike (he is going to call me each day at Noon) He’s feeling “pretty good” but is “kinda tired” and his “feet hurt” Who would’ve thought!?!?

In the past 24 hours he has completed 77 miles–He figures these extra miles are “in the bank” for those days when he can’t quite get to 50.

He is still quite positive “1 (day) down 9 to go! The weather is more “runner friendly today–in the 50s–yesterday and last night were cooler and wetter.

I’ll keep you posted as we go.

Denise Brooks

Audio Version:

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