I am testing a new widget called Blog Rush that you will probably be seeing popping up all over the place over the next week or two.
The basic idea is that it is a traffic exchange program. For every time that it appears on your website, it will show one of your articles on another site that is related to what you are writing about. My general idea is to keep an eye on what sorts of articles appear in it over the next week or so, and if it shows a few things that I am wanting to click on and read, then I will leave it up.
In the mean time, the best way to test it is to get relevant sites that write on similar topics to install it on their own sites. There is no cost to participate, so if you have your own site then you can give it a try. The number of views goes ten levels deep, so anybody that you refer and that they refer also help to add your articles to other sites (as well as my articles!)
Do you have Blog Rush up on your site yet? If so, how is it working? Have you seen it on other sites? Does it seem helpful, or is it just another passing fad?
I joined but am still not able to see my ads. Its been a few days now. Hope the fix the glitches soon.
So far it’s been so-so for me. The articles that it serves are relevant about 30% of the time, I’d say, and I have clicked them a few times to see what the articles were about.
I see it on your site, you have it appearing just below your categories.
Well, the dash board and some rudimentary statistics are finally available.
yet, rudimentary indeed. lol. the stats look pretty cool, graphically.
I am signing up now. We will see what this does for me. Hopefully it will help you out too.