I have just finished my first week back lifting, and I am a little more tired than I expected to be. I chalk it up to the migraine on Tuesday night and not cutting back on the work at all. Last Friday, and this Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I did my “getting back into shape” workout first thing in the morning. On Tuesday and Thursday I went to the pool for a half hour 40 minutes on my lunch break; I also haven’t been swimming at all for the last 3 months. I have had a slightly runny nose most of the week; if I am not 100% by Tuesday I think I may not swim. I already have some fairly active plans for that evening so the day won’t be complete rest.

Today has been fairly nice. I have been moving around quite a bit by doing laundry, cleaning up, and playing with the kitten, but it has been a nice and relaxed recovery day. Hopefully tomorrow will be as relaxing; the ING New York City marathon is tomorrow morning and I am looking forward to watching the highlight show on NBC at 2:00 in the afternoon. I don’t live in NYC so I can’t watch the entire race on TV, which would be preferable to interuping football. But, you gotta have your priorities straight. I wonder if there will be any highlights of anybody I know.