Randy Judkins is trying to raise money for the Beach to Beacon road race in Cape Elizabeth next weekend. An article about him appeared in the Maine Sunday Telegram this morning. He is going to try to raise $2000 for the Boy’s and Girl’s clubs of Maine, this year’s recipient of the Beach to Beacon proceeds. He is going to raise that money by “joggling”, which is juggling while running, for the entire 6.2 mile race.
Joggling is fun, but I have never tried doing it for more than a mile or so. That’s a lot of work! He will be juggling three balls as he goes along, which seems a bit odd to me. Clubs are much easier to control while you are joggling. Balls probably won’t tire him as quickly though. I hope that he does not cause any problems, especially at the start where it is really crowded, and that he has a good time and meets his fund raising goals.
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