Top Commenters

I implemented the Top Commenters plugin, although I had to make a few changes to it to make sure that it worked the way that I want it to. It will not show anybody who hasn’t posted at least twice, and it will not show trackbacks. That way, the list will stay a...

Recent Comments

I have added the 10 most recent comments to the sidebar. You can hide or show it as you want to. The comments are grouped by which post the comment belongs to. Let me know if you notice anything acting funny.

Related Posts Changed

I have changed the related posts module that I am using to being something a little more automated. Instead of me having to define related posts for every single post, it will automatically try to figure some out for me. If I don’t like how it works, then it...

Site Meter

I have added Site Meter to this website in the footer. I will let you know how it works out once it has had a chance to go to work. In the meantime, feel free to click the link and see statistics for this site. Obviously, there will not be any prior to today. Update:...

Advertisements on this site

Advertisements have been reimplemented on this website. I am playing around with them a bit, but you will now see Google ads and Chitika eMiniMalls throughout the site. I am trying to optimize them so that they are actually useful to you; we will see how that works...

More cosmetic work on this site

I have been doing more cosmetic work on this website. This post is to let my readers know about it, and to test some of it for functionality. Two birds with one stone, as I figure it. I am playing with making it easy to add related posts to new posts, and I have...