New Rule #3: Strength before Size

Every weekend over the next few months, I am going to be examining each of the New Rules of Lifting from Lou Schuler and Alwyn Cosgrove’s new book. This is rule #3. To build size, you must build strength. The authors talk about how metabolically expensive it is...

New Rule #2: Use more than one muscle at a time

Every weekend over the next few months, I am going to be examining each of the New Rules of Lifting from Lou Schuler and Alwyn Cosgrove’s new book. This is rule #2. Exercises that use lots of muscles in coordinated action are better than those that force muscles...

The New Rules of Lifting dissected

Recently, I reviewed The New Rules of Lifting. In all, there are 20 “new rules” laid out in the book, as well as descriptions on how to do many different exercises and some sample weight programs that can be put together using those exercises. I am going...

Women and “The New Rules of Lifting”

When I wrote my review a few days ago of The New Rules of Lifting, I forgot to mention that the book seemed as though it were aimed at men and barely mentioned the differences between men and women in regards to the workouts. Most of the studies that are mentioned in...