Time for another night of 880s in the woods. I forgot my watch at work (after going home at lunch and grabbing it), so for my warm up I ran back to work from the college and then ran to the woods. This was a bit farther than my normal warm up, so I missed the first 880. That was okay though; I only planned on running four anyway and Ziggy times 5 for us. Apparently, we are doing 1 mile time trials next week and in three weeks in the woods. Not only that, but anybody who does both gets an extra t-shirt at the banquet this fall. Nothing like bribes to get more people to show up for a workout!

Going forward, it looks like I will be splitting up my workouts as such:

Lifting on Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday mornings
Swimming on Wednesday morning and Friday noon
Running on Monday and Wednesday nights and on Friday and Sunday mornings

That’s open a bit as well; I may do extra runs on Tuesday or Thursday, and some random Saturdays may wind up with runs. My coach wants me to run the Bone Density Dash (a 5k) this Saturday, but I am not so sure that I am up for it. It is basically the same course as the race I ran last Friday, and Saturday is my only day off in a week with 3 doubles. I do have another 5k at the end of the month, and a 1 mile race the week before that, but those are on Sundays. So, I will either be doing very long cool downs, or having to move my long runs to one of my double workout days. Or not take Saturdays off, although I am not a huge fan of racing the day after a long run.

We’ll play the month by ear and see how it works out.