Baltimore Ravens owner Steve Bisciotti has decided that Brian Billick will finish out his contract and return next year as head coach.

“We have an ongoing and extensive process to find ways to win,” Bisciotti said in a statement. “This included a thorough evaluation of Brian Billick. Collectively, we concluded that continuing with Brian as head coach gives us the best opportunity to win.”

I am glad that he is keeping his job, and I hope that he does better next year than he has recently. He is not particularly popular down in Baltimore (the article stated his average approval rating was 24% this season), but I think that Baltimore has a better chance by not changing horses right away. Continuity can be built upon, and I think that Boller will have a better chance without having to get the approval of another head coach. Billick has brought the Ravens to the Super Bowl, and I would tend to doubt that they could get back next year if they clean house now.