Ricky Williams has again tested positive, but this time it was not for marijuana.

The substance discovered is not known publicly. ”This whole thing is a little confusing,” one source said when asked what substance was used. “I’ll just leave it at that. The best way to say it is he violated the program.”

When I first heard about this on the morning news, I assumed that it was for the weed, and that he had decided that being suspended made it easier to get out of the league than retiring and breaking a contract. Apparently, though, that is not the case.

The theories are running around and ranging from steroids to a substance that is some sort of supplement to his yoga classes. We will have to just wait and see how this pans out, but it was not a case of just missing a drug test, as it was originally reported. He has supposedly tested positive for some substance that he shouldn’t have in his system.