Mary’s Walk and the Kerryman Pub 5k was yesterday at noon. Ethan Hemphill won with a new course record of 15:36, breaking his old record from last year by 10 seconds. This course is only two years old, however; the race used to be a four miler. Dirigo had a strong showing up front. It was in the high 40s and low 50s at race time, and most of the people who raced last week saw an improvement this week. This is probably due to a combination of having had the first race out of the way, there not being nearly as much wind, and the course being much easier. I myself cut just shy of a minute off of last week’s time, although my pace is still nothing to brag about at this point in the season.

It still amazes me that in March there are 9 people again under 17 minutes (2 under 16 minutes); that 7 of them are already out of their 20s is not so surprising however.