There are three weeks left until the New York City Marathon. My taper will officially begin next week, but I did not get any long runs in this week.

I did an easy 10 miler yesterday, and ran an 8k race this morning. I managed to run about 14 miles after all of my warming up and cooling down is added to the race, and my total mileage for the week is the highest it has been since I hurt my foot over the summer. Next week I will probably run a similar amount of mileage, but without a race. I will probably take an extra rest day as well, but I have not decided on that yet.

My racing singlet should be going in the mail tomorrow. With the large number of RIT alumni running marathons this Autumn, one of the guys had some singlets made up.

Two of us are running New York City, and the other five are running as a team in the Marine Corps Marathon in two weeks. I expect that they will win the team division pretty handily, despite not a single one of them having run a marathon before. We will have to wait two weeks to find out if my prediction is correct.