A few months ago I talked about how the head coach of the Oscoda football team, Kyle Tobin, cancelled the season after going 0 and 4. I then followed up after hearing an interview with Kyle Tobin.

One of the parents from the school responded by stating the following:

As a member of the Board of Education in Oscoda, the only member to oppose the coaches decision, the decision was suggested by the coach, and made by the superintendent and the AD, no communication with the board of education till after the decision was made and told to the kids. The attorney’s opinion was sought after the fact and was regarding parents taking over the football program and the liaibility there in. Did Mr. Tobin in his interview mention that in 1991 he did the same thing, cancelled the Varsity season at another school, while he was 0-4 at the time?

His reasons for cancelling that season were echoed sometime word for word this year.

He talks a good story but dig a little in to his background and story unfolds.

I just got an email from him that the NFL Network came to Oscoda and is going to air a television special about the situation this evening, Thursday, November 9th. I was not able to find anything specific on the NFL Network website, but I believe that the segment is going to be aired during NFL Total Access from 7:00 to 9:00 and then again at 10:30pm.

I do not get the NFL Network, so I will not be able to watch it, but if anybody does manage to catch it please leave your thoughts below and let us know what you thought.