Runners as a general rule are pretty generous people. The vast majority of races that we take part in have some sort of non-profit beneficiary, and many of us raise money on the side for the race charity or another charity that we want to support.

Some fitness events are created for the sole purpose of raising money for a specific charity or to help research and combat a specific disease. The MS Challenge Walk is one such event. It is a 3-day walk that is organized by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Volunteers and fund raisers walk 50 miles throughout the weekend, and they all raise a minimum of $1500 that goes towards research and support programs.

Multiple Sclerosis can affect anybody, and in fact is suffered mostly by people in their 20s through 40s. Symptoms can range from numbness to paralysis and blindness, and there is no known cure. At least 85% of all of the funds raised by the MS Challenge Walk go towards support programs for people that suffer from MS and towards research to find a cure.

Some very good friends of mine are participating in the walk, and they need help raising funds. Since I know how generous all of you are, I thought that you might like to read about their story and hopefully donate to help them meet their goals. Andy and Kris are the type of people who would move to Africa for 3 years to work with the Peace Corps.

Why We’re Walking for MS
Andy and KrisI (Kris) have done small walks for the Boston Children’s Hospital in the past and I wanted to do something bigger this year. I never knew much about MS until recently when I had a series of tests done to rule out MS as the cause of the tingling and numbness I’ve been experiencing for the past year. I was relieved to learn that I do not have MS but it got me thinking about how terrifying it would be to have the disease. I can’t imagine suddenly being unable to move my legs or arms. The disease is so unpredictable that suffers can’t really prepare for it; they never know what to expect or when their condition will worsen. A few weeks ago, I started hearing radio ads for the MS Challenge Walk. They said “Walk for Someone Who Can’t” and I thought that was a wonderful idea. I’m lucky to have Andy’s support and am happy to have him as a walking buddy.

Hop on over to Kris and Andy’s MS Challenge Walk donation page and have a look around. If you can, leave a few dollars to help them reach their goals. Every little bit helps!

Note: I’ve removed the links as they are no longer valid. Thanks for your support!