Tim Montgomery was banned by USADA back in 2005 after allegations that he was involved in the BALCO scandal and had used their designer steroids. Now it is looking as though he will be doing some jail time after admitting to bank fraud.

Montgomery, 32, pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit bank fraud and two counts of bank fraud. […] Montgomery was charged last year with his coach Steven Riddick and 11 others over an alleged conspiracy to deposit $5 million (£2.5m) in stolen, altered or counterfeit cheques. The athlete allegedly deposited three bogus cheques worth a total of $775,000. He was accused of helping Riddick deposit others, and is reported to have accepted a $200,000 fee for his role.

Montgomery is sorry that he has been such a disappointment. My guess is that the fraud charges will be much easier to definitively prove than the drug charges, as he has not (to my knowledge) ever tested positive. Admitting to having laundered money is certainly not a good way to set yourself up as a role model or upstanding citizen.

Tim Montgomery formerly held the world record in the 100m, but had his gold medals and record times stripped from him when his ban began a few years back.

(Source: BBC.com)