This week last year I got to get back up on my pulpit and offer my unsolicited opinion on a topic in running, which I had not done for a while.

  • I concluded our series on injuries by discussing common running injuries. Most injuries are caused by either poor biomechanics, over use, or trauma. The article discusses the 5 most common injuries and how to treat them, and talks a bit about how to prevent the injuries in the first place.
  • On the topic of potential injuries, I discovered the danger to men when doing deadlift shrugs. If you are a man and are new to this exercise, then make sure you are aware of the potential problems until you get your stance and grip correct. Catching yourself can be a less than pleasant problem to have.
  • I offered my opinion that running is not a dying sport, nor do I expect it to be at any point in the near future.
  • This week two years ago, I shared some lap swimming rules that will make your workout at the pool much easier and more enjoyable.