LocationIn a continuing collaboration with Scott over at Straight to the Bar, we will be writing about taking advantage of your location for the month of December.

Scott begins this month’s series by describing some ways to make use of outdoor space, specifically your yard. A couple of years ago he moved from Glasgow to Sydney, which afforded him an opportunity to begin working out outside.

He offers quite a few different strength exercises that you can work on in your yard, such as using Kettlebells, sand bags, or carrying stones and anvils. He offers a few ways to improve your yard for exercise by building a sandpit, making use of a rope, or installing playground equipment.

Another option for staying fit in your yard is to just do some yard work. Most activities that you engage in when caring for your lawn will have some measure of fitness benefit to it.

Over the next few months, Scott is planning on starting some kettlebell training in the swimming pool. My chief exercise in my yard over the next few months is going to be shoveling snow. I’ll leave the water behind the house for the ducks.

Be sure to read Scott’s full article over at Straight to the Bar.