The Court for Arbitration of Sport is looking for a new president, and two names have been floated. The first is Geneva-based lawyer Robert Briner.

The other nominee? Former head of the World Anti-Doping Agency, Dick Pound. He was nominated by the International Olympic Committee, and a vote could come as early as April on who the next president will be.

If Dick Pound is elected to be the head of CAS, then I hope that he does a better job there than he did at WADA. He did a lot of good work at WADA, but he also turned his office into a laughingstock at times and seemed more interested in his private vendettas than in finding real proof or following legal procedures. He finished his time in office there on a high note, though, so if he is elected then I hope that he carries it forward into his new career.

(Further Reading: CBC Sports)