Mike BrooksThis morning I have a dual update.

Since I was out of town this weekend I wasn’t able to get Mike’s update from his final day up on the site, and he has also left a second update from after the race with his final numbers and some details about his car accident.

I’ve included Denise’s email updates with each audio update, and I just want to say congratulations to Mike for running 491 miles over the past week and a half and I hope his back recovers quickly.

Congratulations also for raising at least $9500 and probably reaching the $10,000 goal. I’ll have my $100 donation in later today now that your final numbers are in.

Saturday (Day 10) At About 9:00 AM

Mike called me at 9 this AM He is currently at 485 miles–His back is still quite painful so he’s sure he won’t do much more than 1 or 2 miles by noon.

He’s disappointed that he won’t reach is goal of 500 miles but feels good about the 485 that he did get done.

He says that physically he feels better than he did at the end of the 6 day race in 2006–except for his back. After that 6 day race he “hurt all over” this time it is just his back and feet. Mentally he fees “good” He actually slept most of the night last night except for a couple of times that he would get up and attempt a mile but the pain just wouldn’t let him do it.

Once the race ends he is headed to Connecticut to stay with a friend and then will head back to Maine tomorrow.

On the 11:00 news last night Tory Ryden mentioned throwing him a party when he gets back–If this happens I hope to see you all there!!!


Audio Version:

Click the play button to begin streaming the audio version of this update:

Sunday Update After the Race

This update includes not only Mike’s post-race wrap-up but also some details about the winners of the race.

491 miles–He got a “second wind” this morning and some encouragement from some friends to do another 6 miles after I talked to him.


Audio Version:

Click the play button to begin streaming the audio version of this update: