Just got this note from Mark Grandonico and the Maine Track Club, so if you are going to be in Southern Maine next Thursday you should try to come out:

Bart YassoMTC Brings Bart Yasso To Portland – Thursday – 21 May – Maine Running Company in Portland.

Its Official.

Bart will be here next Thursday at the Maine Running Company in Portland – Forest Ave.

Starting at 4:00, try new Saucony products, PowerAid and pick up a copy of Barts Book – My Life On The Run – then get it autographed by Bart.

At 6:00 – join the group for an easy run from the store down to the Back Cove trail for a loop then back to the store (4 miles). Afterwards there will be a meet and greet.

This is a FREE event and open to the public as well MTC Members – Bring A Friend.

Some of Bart’s accomplishments:

CRO – Runners World (Chief Running Officer)

  • Completed in over 150 marathons around the world from Boston marathon, New York City marathon, Antarctica marathon to Mount Kilimanjaro marathon.
  • Won the 1998 Smoky Mountain Marathon.
  • Completed the Badwater 146 miler through Death Valley. Badwater is considered the toughest run in the country. The run is held in July starts at the lowest point in the U.S. and finishes on the top of Mt. Whitney, the highest point (14,496) in the 48 states. The race is run in temperatures of 125 degrees.
  • Completed in over 1,000 running and multisport events over the past 25 years, triathlons, biathlons, eco challenges.
  • In 1987 won the U.S. National Biathlon Long Course Championship in New York City.
  • Completed the Ironman five times.
  • Completed two solo unsupported bicycle rides across the U.S. in 20 days averaging 155 miles per day.
  • Inventor of the Yasso 800s.

Bart’s appearance will be incorporated into the normal Thursday night training run for the Reach the Beacon 10k Program, so if you’d like to come out and run with us for an evening and see what it’s all about then next Thursday would be an ideal day to show up!

See you then.