142 people braved the weather this evening, although the rain held off until after the race was over.

Curtis Wheeler ran ahead of Noah Schoneberg, only beating him by 2 seconds in 16:51. Abbey Gosling continued her trend of leading the women with her time of 19:04.

For myself, I got in an almost 7 mile warmup by running there from work, and then did a 3 by ½ mile workout with folks to chase. By the time I got done with my cool down I’d gotten in over 15 miles this evening, which is probably why I’m so tired.

The leaderboard has seen some shaking up, with both the men’s and women’s board being led by a newcomer onto the list. Lilian Childress jumped onto the board with a cumulative time of 2:07:36, which gives her an almost 20 minute lead over second place. Next week I expect another new gap to be opened up, although not quite as large as this one.

On the men’s side, Daniel Salvo opened up about a 3½ minute lead with his cumulative time of 1:49:52.

The list of folks that have run all 9 races has gone down to 6 people, from last week’s total of 7.

(More Info: Full ResultsLeader BoardComplete Runner’s List)