Danny AbshireThe Natural Running Symposium took place in October of 2010 at the Maine Running Company. Danny Abshire from Newton Running, Kirsten Buchanan from Impact Sports Medicine and Jamie Raymond from Raymond Chiropractic joined John Rogers to talk about barefoot and natural running in front of a crowd of about 60 people.

Each speaker had their own take on what natural running means and why it is good for us, as well as when it isn’t.

This is the first video, which covers the first 10 minutes of the symposium. After a brief introduction of each person, John Rogers hands the floor over to Danny Abshire who talks about why he helped design the technology in Newton running shoes and the history of the company.

Video Transcription


It will probably take me another week or two before I have the entire presentation edited and online, but if you would like to be notified as soon as I get each new video up, just enter your email address here:

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Once I’ve finished editing the entire presentation, I’ll also have a PDF of the transcription available. If you’d like a copy of that, get on the notification list above and I’ll be sure to send you an email once it is available.