The other day I got a question about the Beach to Beacon from Peggy Kulbe:

Good morning . . . I happily have a number for BtoB, and would LOVE some training advice. I live in NJ and can not join the weekly runs. Can you let me know what each mile is like, i.e., flat, uphill, type of surface . . . or could you let me know where I could obtain that kind of info. I’ve done sprint tri’s and this is my first 10K. I appreciate any and all advice . . .
my best, Peggy

I figured that that was a great question, so I recorded an answer and am now going to take you right through the entire course so you can see the entire thing before you get here:

Video Transcription


Have you run the Beach to Beacon before? If so, let me know what you think in the comments below. Was this an accurate portrayal? Would you suggest a different strategy than what I recommend in the video? Or will this year be your first Beach to Beacon?