What happens when you combine great athletic adventures, organizations whose mission is to preserve the outdoors that we love to play in so our kids can go out and play too, and thousands of sports fans that like to share those adventures with their friends?
CLIF Bar has created the Meet the Moment website, where adventurous folks like ourselves can share our own moments and experiences with everybody else. Every moment shared will give you the opportunity to win any athletic adventure of your own choosing.
There will be 3 winners, judged on popularity and how inspirational and creative their entry is. The contest runs from today through July 31st and you can submit as many entries as you like since it will be judged on quality and is not a random draw.
CLIF Bar will also donate $5 for every person that shares a moment through the site, and you get to choose who gets the donation for your moment. If more than 10,000 people participate, they’ll double the amount that they donate.
The charities that you can choose are:
- Leave No Trace
- International Mountain Biking Association
- Surfrider Foundation
- Access Fund
- Winter Wildlands Alliance
My first moment that I’ve uploaded is from my first race at elevation, the Ghost Town 38.5, pictured above. Other than hikes up Mount Washington, I’d never been that high, and the views and vegetation in the Gila National Forest were breathtaking.
You can get more information at the website, www.MeetTheMoment.com
Go upload your moment, and then come back and share the link so we can all check them out! Each one you upload will give you a chance to win the contest, and uploading at least 1 will help out a worthy cause. To get the link to your moment, just click the “View Moment Details” button after you’ve created your moment and get the link from the Share button that appears so you can copy it to the comments below.
This post has been sponsored by CLIF Bar.
What a cool idea for a contest! The only problem is deciding which of those wonderful charities to choose.