Thanks for stopping in, I’ve just recently updated my hosting arrangement and while I’m reasonably sure that I’ve got the vast majority of everything working correctly, there may be hiccups here and there. Feel free to leave me a comment below if something is broken and over the next few days I’ll make sure that everything is fixed and working properly.
For those interested, I have moved this site to Media Temple, who I have used for smaller websites for a long time and hopefully they will be able to provide me with a more reliable platform than I had at HostGator (who has excellent customer support, but the shared server I was on just wasn’t cutting it for a high traffic site like this one.)
Hey Blaine! Great to have you over at (mt) Media Temple :D. Site looks good, let us know if we can help you out with anything. We’re available 24/7.
Drew J
Social Media Team
Thanks Drew! I’ll admit this is the first time somebody has come by to congratulate me on a move to their systems, and I’ve moved this site a lot. I’ve had smaller sites in my account at MediaTemple before, looking forward to how this site is handled.