I was a bit tired when I got out for my run this evening after work. I figured that the run would give me some energy so I didn’t waste any time getting out the door.

About 2.5 to 3 miles into the run, a kid on one of those razor things or whatever they are are called with a motor on it that turned it into a miniature moped thingy was trying to get ahead of me.

Kid on a Razor ScooterThen these 2 little girls on a power wheels motorcycle came out of a driveway and started driving down the road to race the boy. The girls were young, maybe 7 or 8, but both were on this one bike thingy.

So, I decided to speed up as they caught up to me and stay ahead of them.

Of course, the little boy yelled at the girls to race me and get ahead of me. I looked at my watch towards the end which had me going at 4:33 pace. Obviously Garmins aren’t super accurate but I still had to be going 5 minute pace at the slowest.

Looking at the GPS data it has me going 16 mph for a few seconds at my fastest point.

There is no way my mother would have let me have something like that when I was that little. I don’t even think they used to go that fast back then.

Maybe the kid with the modified scooter took the governor off his sister’s bike or else swapped out the motor or something. I just found it amusing how fast they could go, and glad that I was able to stay ahead of them.

I guess speed work is where you can find it.