6 days left to win a free book

There are about 6 days left to win yourself a free copy of the Coast to Coast book by just leaving a story about running. Throughout this week, I will highlight the book and the people who took part in the relay. I plan on reviewing the book (which I finished reading...

Regular features will return next week

Thank you for bearing with me while I pack up and move. I am (not quite) settled into my new home, and should have non-library internet access by the end of the week. I plan on picking up with my regular features again starting next week. In the meantime, I hope that...

No regular updates next few weeks…

Going on the no new reviews bit, I will not be doing the regular researched updates such as animated how tos or workout tips. I reserve the right to put them up anyway, but I am getting rid of my internet access and too busy packing to move into my new house I am...