Why Not Disqualify Bandits?

Consider this an open letter to Matt Nestor of the Columbia Tribune and all of the other people that think that banditing a race is okay. The news is starting to get a little old at this point and common sense says it shouldn’t even be addressed, but Matt...

Weekend News Round Up

Well, this weekend happened to be a very busy one, but I took it off and spent some time with friends instead of paying attention to the running world. I was not able to score a Red Sox playoff ticket, although I did get to go to the circus across the street from...

German match-fixing trials begin this week

The trial over match-fixing by referees and players in the German soccer league began this week. Of the six defendants in the case, 2 are referees, one was a player, and the other three were gamblers who bet on the games. I have no problem with sports betting....

Michelle Wie disqualified for accidently cheating

Michelle Wie played her first professional golf tournament this weekend, but she was disqualified after unwittingly cheating rather than taking a 2 stroke penalty. A spectator told LPGA rules official Robert Smith on Sunday that he thought Wie had dropped the ball...