The Coast to Coast Photographer

This week I am giving away a free copy of Coast to Coast; just leave a comment in the contest thread describing a story about running for a chance to win. Matt Hartman was the official photographer for the Coast to Coast relay. Here is a little bit more about Matt, in...

Coast to Coast book review

This week I am giving away a free copy of Coast to Coast; just leave a comment describing a story about running for a chance to win. Coast to Coast is about the November 2004 relay run by the cross country team of the Rochester Institute of Technology. They began the...

6 days left to win a free book

There are about 6 days left to win yourself a free copy of the Coast to Coast book by just leaving a story about running. Throughout this week, I will highlight the book and the people who took part in the relay. I plan on reviewing the book (which I finished reading...