This Week Last Year: Shoes and Abuse

This week last year, I got married. Despite that, the website was pretty busy even after I started to ignore it. The end of this week last year and a good portion of the next week were devoted towards a series that I wrote ahead of time about shoes: how to choose...

This Week Last Year: Ice and Cramping

I continued my series on how to ice sore muscles by explaining how to give yourself an ice massage and how to use an ice bath. I spent a little time exploring the cost of racing and how much race registration fees can cost. Cramping and gas can be unpleasant when you...

Floyd Landis wants a 2nd Tour de France win

Floyd Landis has been in the news a bit lately after he criticized Dick Pound and then announced that he would wants a second Tour victory to replace his memories of his last race. Criticizing Dick Pound is nothing new; he has a history of making ill-informed and...