by Blaine Moore | Last Year
This week last year covered a lot of news, and I answered quite a few reader questions. This week last year started off with The Running Shoe FAQ, which explained why runners wear specialty shoes and what makes them different from normal walking shoes. I answered a...
by Blaine Moore | Last Year
This week last year, I offered some advice on what to wear to a race to prevent “severing your leg at the thigh” from chafing. I tried to decide if it was worth running in an ultramarathon a few weeks before my next marathon. Ultimately, I decided that...
by Blaine Moore | Last Year
Once again, I seemed to miss a week for looking back. Last week last year was busy, with quite a few news notes, training tips, and discussions on research findings. I discussed some research on the merits of tempo workouts vs. interval workouts. Personally, I prefer...
by Blaine Moore | Equipment
In a continuing collaboration with Scott over at Straight to the Bar, we will be writing about do-it-yourself home exercise implements throughout February and March. This week, I’d like to teach you how to make screw shoes. Stabilicers are a good product and...
by Blaine Moore | Equipment, Personal
I got lost in the middle of a lake today while I was out running. (If you have never done it before, then be sure to read the FAQ about Lake Running first!) You would think that it would be pretty difficult to get lost in the middle of a lake. After all, there are no...
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