Complete Running will be down for a few days as they switch hosting providers. While it is available, you can see the press release at their site: Complete Running.

If you are reading this while they are down, here is their press release verbatim (if anybody from Complete Running has a problem with this let me know and I will take it down):

his is just notice that the entire completerunning domain (including all of our blogs) will be offline for one to two days.

We are moving to a brand new host with uber-capacity for growth and which should provide much faster page loading times.

Expect us to go offline for one two three days between Friday morning and Sunday evening. The move itself should only take us a day to do but, because of something called propagation, you won�t be able to see us for anywhere from 1 to 3 days in total.

Wish us luck! We�re looking forward to our new home!

This is an update to my previous notice about why Running Blog Recents has been missing for the last few weeks.

It is too bad that they are moving their domain in so short of a time. There are ways around the delays of DNS propogation, but it involves a little planning ahead and is outside the scope of Run to Win; I won’t bore you all with details.

Hopefully this means that Running Blog Recents will be up by the end of the weekend or early next week when Complete Running comes back online! Good luck to all the folk at Complete Running in their upgrade; I hope it goes smoothly and that they are back up and running with no problems. Pun intended…