Yesterday morning, I ran the Bridgton Four Miler in 22:38. With a day and a half of rest, I ran a good quarter mile workout fartlek style at the Back Cover 5k Race Series this evening.

Given that I did not properly fuel for the race (I only ate at breakfast and lunch before the race, rather than all day as I normally do) I was surprised I was able to keep at my goal pace for my repeats. I have to thank Oliver Cunningham, who was running a perfect pace to pass me on my recovery jogs and to give me somebody to chase on my repeats. I ran the repeats in 74, 74, 73, 75, 72, 75+38. The last repeat is actually about 0.15 to 0.2 miles over the quarter as I finish running in. My recovery jogs were all about 1:44 to 1:48ish and were a quarter mile in length.

I did not quite get the mileage I wanted for the day, since I was a bit pressed for time afterwards. I only managed to run about 9 miles instead of the 12-13 I was going to aim for. But, that is okay. I did race the day before, after all. Tomorrow morning I will lift, and tomorrow evening I’ll do an easy 7 miles or so.

I do not recommend running tough workouts back to back very often. Now and again, though, it can provide a good stress on your body and get you used to pushing when you are tired. I had a day and a half of rest, as well, which made things a little easier. My next few days are going to be relatively easy so that my muscles have an opportunity to recover.