Sports Injury Info website launches

I was recently sent a link to a new website with info about sport injuries. The website is called, appropriately enough, Sports Injury Info. The website is in its infancy, but it certainly shows promise. There are still a few kinks to be worked out, and there are (as...

Should you see a doctor about your injuries?

In a collaborative effort with Scott over at Straight to the Bar, we we will be writing all about injuries for the month of November. You can expect a new article on the matter every week. This week I would like to explore whether or not you should self-diagnose your...

RIT places third at NCAA regional meet

The RIT men’s cross country team is well on its way to prominence, placing 3rd in the NCAA district qualifying meet for next week’s race. Jesse Williamson led the way in 25:35 with a second place finish to Plattsburgh’s Matt DeShane. DeShane won the...