The Back Cove 5K Race Series has kicked off with it’s inaugeral race of the season, and we could not have asked for better weather. The temperature was in the high 60s, the wind was not as stiff as normal this time of year, and there were over 50 finishers for the first race of 2007. Last year, there were only 18 people in weather that was certainly not as bright as this year. Dan Franek won the race in a hair under 17 minutes, finishing about a minute ahead of myself. Erik Boucher was on hand snapping photographs for the Maine Track Club, so I will update with a link to his photos after he uploads them.

The website might be ugly, but it was originally designed as a concept with mock-functionality. The functionality was built in so that the website works, but I have not had a chance to make it look pretty yet. For full results, you can navigate over to:

I will be adding features and making the site easier on the eyes as the season progresses.