The ING New York City Marathon has a lottery for who gets to run. The results are now available (as of about noon this morning) and can be searched at their website:

The lottery has sifted through more than 98,000 applicants from around the world to select the entrants to the ING New York City Marathon 2007. Check our entrant database to find out where you’ll be come November 4.

Congratulations to everybody who got into the race!

If you didn’t make it, you can still get a bib by raising money for charity. You will need to raise a minimum of $2500. There may or may not be any guarenteed entries still available for Fred’s Team depending upon who made it through the lottery, but there are still some slots open (as of June 12th) for Team for Kids. You can also search their full list of charity partners to see if there is somebody that you would like to raise money for.