The following race recap was written by Sara Holtsman, who runs in the St. Louis, Missouri area. She fits in time as a lawyer between her workouts. This past weekend, she had the pleasure of introducing a new athlete into the sport of running and wheelchair racing. You can read more about her and visit her website at:
November 11, 2007
St. Louis Track Club & Special Olympics Half Marathon, 5K and 1/2 Mile Youth Run
A few months ago I signed up to run the SLTC Half Marathon, thinking it would be a good way to keep myself motivated and running after doing the L&C Half in September.
I also noticed that there would be a 1/2 Mile Youth Run that morning sponsored by Special Olympics. I immediately called my mom and asked her if Anna would be interested in “running” a race that morning too. She said yes and we signed up.
Let me back up a minute. Anna is my cousin’s daughter. She is 3 years old (will be 4 in January) and has spina bifida. She was born with a gap in her spine and is paralyzed from the chest down.
My mother has practically adopted the kid and has been trying to get Anna to be more social and outgoing. She’s incredibly smart, creative, funny and talkative – but very very shy. Here’s a picture of Anna – talk about adorable.
Being my mom’s only daughter, she talks about me to Anna all the time. My running is one of their favorite topics. She tells her about my races and shows her all my race photos. She puts her on the phone with us when we discuss my training and runs.
So Anna was excited that she was going to run her first race. She would practice “going fast” where ever she could – especially through the aisles at the grocery store and down wheelchair ramps. My mom took her to the local high school track so they could do a lap and “train” for the upcoming race. The night before, she even had a pasta dinner to get her necessary carbs.
Race morning came and they were up at 4 am to get ready and drive to St. Louis. Anna told my mom that she didn’t realize she’d be running in the dark!
Start time for the Half was 8:00 and start time for the Youth Run was 8:45. I was much more concerned with Anna having a good race than me, and I didn’t want to miss it, so I traded in my Half bib for a 5K bib and knew I could make it back in time to see her run if I finished in 30 minutes (I’m slow, but that seemed doable). Here’s us at the starting line.
Yes, she wore bunny slipper to make her fast (b/c rabbits are really fast).
There was only one word to describe my 5K…HILLY. Man, it sucked. But I managed to finish right at 30 minutes and ran straight to Anna’s start line.
At the whistle, she was OFF. My mom ran behind her and helped her go up the hills and over the speedbumps, but she did most of it herself. When they got around the building at the top of the hill, it was a straight shot downhill to the finish line. She was FLYING!!
Seriously, she almost took out that little girl next to her. Big grin When she went around the corner, I swear she went up on one wheel! And was smiling the whole time!
She crossed the finish line and got her medal. I’ve never seen anyone so proud of anything. She showed it to every single person we passed. Mom said she even slept with it that night.
I think we’ll be doing this again soon. We had so much fun! I’m trying to find a local Turkey Trot for us to do over Thanksgiving weekend. And I’d love to find a race where she could see other runners in wheelchairs…I think that’d be good for her. This could definitely be a great sport for her.
More about Sara Holtsman can be found online at:
Thanks so much for publishing this Blaine! I can’t wait to show this to Anna. And I’m looking into getting my own pair of bunny slippers for my next race!
Anna showing her medal is the most moving photo I’ve seen this year.
Energy Boomer
What a fabulous story! It absolutely made my day.
Anna should consider marketing her bunny slipper running shoes. Sounds like an Olympic secret weapon.
Definitely need to Stumble this one.
This was an absolutely heartwarming story. Anna is adorable and looked so happy at her race. And it seems like running helps her overcome her shyness-good for her! I hope she continues in this sport and goes on to win many races, complete with her trusty bunny slippers! 🙂
Very touching story!
Awesome story, Blaine! You rock, dude!!
GO Sara and Anna! I agree -- the bunny slippers could be a secret weapon. What a great story. Looking forward to all the future updates.
What an inspiring story! Thanks so much for sharing. I can’t wait to see a follow-up story on the Turkey Trot. Keep it up, Anna and Sara!!