In a continuing collaboration with Scott over at Straight to the Bar, we will be writing about great sources of information for the month of November.
This week, Scott discusses old strength training books.
He divides the books up into rough categories based upon when they were published, and provides suggestions about where to find copies of the books both online and offline.
He includes books from the last couple of hundred years, from the 1970s when the lifting boom really took off, and more modern books from the 1980s through today.
Looking through his list, I only own one of the books but I have read 3 of them.
Are any of the books on your shelf?
I dont have any of the books. By the way, I got this in my RSS twice.
Hi Blaine,
Last year i joined Intercontinental EurAsia half marathon in Istanbul. It was almost freezing. Have you had such an experience before? Probably it effects athletes performance, right ?
And what is the relation between blogging for years and running/preparing marathons ? More or less the same, right ?
Mert Erkal
I’ve had some cold weather runs before; I went to school in Rochester, New York. I’ve been out running in temperatures like 10 below 0 (fahrenheit) and out in rain and wind at 30 degrees.
As for blogging and marathoning, they don’t seem too similar really. I rarely write one article for 3 hours at a given time without a break.
Yeah you are right 🙂 I just wanted to mention that in order to succeed in blogging you need to be as persistent as a marathon runner. Because it is not a short distance race…:)
Your blog is great for me to prepare for next year’s marathon. Will regularly check and learn from you.
Wish you all the best!