Ryan Hall’s Splits
10K, 29:11
20K, 58:58
1/2, 1:02:13
30K, 1:28:38
40K, 1:59:23
finish, 2:06:17

This morning was the London Marathon, and coming through in an impressive 5th place was Ryan Hall with a time of 2:06:17. He came across the line over 2 minutes faster than he ran last year in the race.

Ryan Hall managed to stay with the leaders through 30 kilometers, and finished just over 1 minute behind Martin Lel who won with a time of 2:05:17.

The women’s race was won by Irina Mikitenko in 2:24:14. Gete Wami fell hard at a water stop late in the race and may have injured her hip but still managed to finish in 3rd in 2:25:37.

(Searchable Results: http://results-2008.london-marathon.co.uk/ – Hat Tip: Runner’s World)