Weekly Back Cove Race Series bannerThe 3rd Weekly Back Cove race was this evening, and for the first time this year I picked up the pace a little. And by a little, I mean by about 10 minutes.

I donated my $40 to Portland Trails for a pair of the t-shirts. It is the first t-shirt I’ve had that has had my new logo on the back (which you can also see in the banner to the right.)

The goal for me this week was to run even 4:00/km splits. I went out a little quick though (3:29/km) so I decided to just keep that 3:30/km pace throughout the race. I succeeded at that, at least. Chris Harmon took the lead today, cruising to an easy win in 17:03.

The results are online on the website at: http://backcove.runtowin.com/

I have also included links in the results from week 1 and week 2 to the pictures that were taken by Don Penta at the races.

(Photo Credit: Don Penta)