Imagine that you are in a race, and you have been working with another runner for many miles. You know that you are both running faster than you could have alone, and there’s a $1000 pot for the first place finish. Would you be able to share that win, and the pot, or would you be too competitive and try to pull away, even if it meant a slower time over the long run?

That was an easy question for Erik Skaden and Mike Wolfe to answer. They agreed to run the final 25 miles of the Tahoe Rim Trail 100-Mile Endurance Run together, and to cross the line in unison.

The pair crossed the finish line at Spooner Lake together in 18 hours, 59 minutes, 10 seconds.

“We were running the same pace,” said Wolfe, a Missoula, MT, resident and two-time national champion in the 50-mile trail run. “When you run with someone, you run faster. It was fun.”

They split the money and also shared in the USATF 100 mile championship for the year.

I don’t know that I would be able to do that. I certainly have no problems helping out a fellow racer, especially in long races like a marathon or ultramarathon. It certainly beats running alone. But I’d still think that I would be tempted to test myself against whoever I was running with in the final miles of the race, even if it meant that I lost.

(More Info: RRCA)