The Maine Marathon was this past weekend, and local favorite Heather Pagano had a very strong showing in her debut marathon by taking the title in 3:06:54. She used the Weekly Back Cove Race Series this Summer as her training ground, and it seems to have served her well.

“It was overwhelming,” Pagano said. “I thought, ‘Oh my God, I actually won my first marathon.’ It was pretty cool to break the tape. That made it real. I put my arms up, then said, ‘OK, I’m done. I’m going down.'”

Both Heather and men’s winner Art Siemers collapsed after the finish line and had to be helped away by race officials, as you can see in the finish line video below:

Art was looking strong through 22 miles, where he was still on pace to beat the course record by 3 minutes. He hit the wall, though, and struggled in for the last few miles with times north of 7 and 8 minutes. That still carried him through for a time of 2:28:34, which was 10 minutes off of his PR but good enough for a win on Sunday.

The half marathon was won by a few more local runners, with Evan Graves leading the way in 1:09:50. Carry Buterbaugh won the women’s race in 1:22:20.

The marathon this year boasted a record field, with 842 marathoners and 1,611 half marathoners.

Relay Results (courtesy of Isabelle):

Gary Brendel was the lone wheelchair racer, who qualified for the Boston Marathon with a time of 1:53:44.

Photos: Set 1Set 2Set 3
More Info: Race RecapMarathon Results½ Marathon ResultsRelay ResultsPress Herald