Weren’t able to get into the Beach to Beacon before registration closed (which happened in a mere couple of minutes this year)? Well, there’s still an opportunity to run, thanks to my friends at Atayne.
Last year, Atayne adopted the Maine Marathon and sent a few runners along the course after everybody to help pick up the trash and separate anything that could be recycled. This year, they are going to do the same at the Beach to Beacon, and are offering bribes for anybody that wants to help out.
I received the following email from Jeremy Litchfield, which details what they are doing:
We are going to be doing a trash run at the Beach to Beacon very much like we did at Maine Marathon last year. I am trying to get a few more volunteers and was hoping you could reach out to some of your running friends in the area. And if you are not running the race, we would of course love to have you.
I am sure you know this, but it is Saturday August 1. It will be very similar to the Maine Marathon except we only need to cover about 6.2 miles. I am hoping to get a team of 8 to 10 to cover the entire distance. For anyone interested in helping, but not running we are recruiting another 8 to 10 to work the start/finish area. Volunteers will be given an Atayne top or gift certificate. It will depend on what we have available for sizes. Anyone who already has an Atayne top can opt for the gift certificate to use toward our updated top coming out at the end of August. If people are interested, they can reach out directly to me.
Atayne is a great company with a great product. My friend Stephen Wells did an experiment with one of their shirts last Winter where he wore the same shirt for 9 workouts over the span of 6 days to see if anybody could smell it.
The shirt does such a good job at neutralizing the odor that despite many of the workouts being in a small room in a group setting, he was forced to wash the shirt because it was getting stiff and not because it was at all smelly.
(Click here to read Stephen’s final analysis!)
Atayne’s products are all made from recycled and natural materials and are designed to have as little of an impact on the environment as possible while still being a very high quality product.
If you are interested in running at the back of the Beach to Beacon helping to collect the trash, then you’ll get to try one of their shirts for yourself (or get a gift certificate that you can use for one of their new shirts this Autumn.) Send me an email or leave a comment below if you’d like Jeremy’s contact information for signing up for the run, and I’ll get you in touch with him (I don’t want to leave his email on the site where spammers can steal it.) He’s looking for another half dozen or so people to help out.
If you aren’t going to be in Maine on August 1st but want to sponsor your own trash run, it doesn’t have to be limited to a local race. Atayne also organizes trash pickup days across the country and they are more than happy to share any tips and strategies for putting together your own club to help keep your streets and trails clean.
(More Info: Atayne – Beach to Beacon)
This makes me wish I was not already registered to volunteer at the finish line… Great project and great products! I like that! 🙂
send more information about atyane trash run and dates,places and time. i`m from alabama.i`ve been here 5 months.i run with back on my feet-bomf at mcvet.
Great fun run idea. I’m not runnin’ the B2B so would like to help out with the trash run. Send me the info please.